Tuesday, April 8, 2008

JP Licks' best customer

Today is Opening Day for the Red Sox which means free ice cream at JP Licks!

Uncle Jesse reigns supreme (again) in my office in the category of speed and grace of food/beverage/condiment consumption.

JP Licks had run out of regular sized spoons at JP Licks but UJ managed to consume his whole dish with a teeny tiny spoon (pictured above, with a regular spoon for scale), while maintaining a fluent conversation, crossing the trolley tracks, and spinning gracefully through the Peter Bent Brigham revolving door. Jesse recommends the peanut butter cookie dough.

Says he, "As an ice cream connoisseur, I can say that it pleases my taste buds."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmm...what kind did you have? I want to try the Dice-K rice pudding one.